

Masturbation(sometimes called "jacking off"or "onanism") is the sexual stimulation of one's own genitals for sexual arousal or other sexual pleasure, usually to the point of orgasm.[1]
The stimulation may involve hands, fingers, everyday objects, sex toys or combinations of these.The issue of whether masturbation is right or wrong has been a major topic of contention for decades both in the social and religious setting. The rightness or wrongness has nearly never stopped over 90% (according to statistics)of men from practicing this act. Below are some of the purportedly good and bad sides of masturbation....
1.       Masturbation makes you weak, it spends more energy and burns your calorie
2.       Masturbation creates nervousness and neurological problems
3.       Masturbation is a main cause for erectile dysfunction.
4.       Masturbation addicts you even if you taste it for one time. Controlling it is a very big menace.
5.       Masturbation creates drowsiness; you will be sleeping most of the time after ejaculation of your sperm. You will experience a damn tired.
6.       Masturbation causes stress and strain in your mind and soul.
7.       Masturbation also affects us psychologically; it creates depression after ejaculation and makes one to feel bad on his own.
8.       Getting red hot while masturbating will give a bad name in your surroundings and it is indecent too.
9.       Masturbation cannot be done simply, it needs to see, touch, indulge or at least think of a sexual practice/ sex organs of the opposite sex. This is more harmful that the image in your memory that you see could not be erased easily. This will lead you to a noxious problem that you cannot see any girl/ lady/ women without a single thought i.e., sex.
10.   Masturbation creates an urge to do indefinitely; it doesn’t see the place, people and culture. It makes you to fell in a worse sexual problem if chance knocks the door.
11.   Masturbation leads you to illegal contacts because the urge increases day by day and finally will lead to the search of a source for sexual pleasure.
12.   Masturbation is the main reason for speedy sperm release during sexual intercourse. It will create dissatisfaction to you and to your wife.
13.   Over masturbation reduces your sperm count. Couples who desire to get pregnant should not masturbate.
14.   Seminal fluid that gets released on masturbation contains proteins that are needed for many metabolic activities and cell formations. Proteins are the building blocks of our body; ejaculation often will create you to be lean and distracts your metabolism of muscle building.
15.   Ethically masturbation is wrong; you think of X/Y and do sex of your own. This hinders your values and respect on others. May be you are good in all other regard but will end up in a great problem if not concerned to stop this habit.
16.   Masturbation wastes your time and makes you useless.
17.   The pleasure of masturbation never lasts for a long time. 
18.   Masturbation creates more problems as you lose your memory and thought provoking ability.
19.   Masturbation is not the end for your desire; you may be fooled by your own practice. It will never give you a solution or a satisfaction but seems that it gives.
20.   It is not needed in any way to your sexual life that it has to be practiced without fail.
21.   Guys who masturbate will lose interest in sex with their wife very soon. They can’t feel pleasurable for a long time.
22.   Masturbation induces homosexuals in schools, colleges and hostels. Many times the latter creates sexually transmitted diseases like VD, syphilis, AIDS 
1. Masturbation helps you sleep. That’s because getting handsy with yourself lowers blood pressure and produces endorphins, the chemicals responsible for helping ease stress and increase relaxation.

2. Masturbation relieves cramps. Flying solo during that time of the month increases blood flow to the pelvic area, easing pain. The intensity of orgasm can also help—and it sure beats a hot water bottle.
3. Masturbation prevents prostate cancer. Toxins build up in the urogenital tract, leading to disease—but masturbation flushes those toxins out of the body, making men who ejaculate more than five times a week a third less likely to develop prostate cancer.
4. Masturbation alleviates urinary tract infections. Once you’re tired of drinking all that cranberry juice, turn to the other cure for UTIs: masturbation. It helps flush out old bacteria from the cervix, giving UTI sufferers some much-needed relief.
5. Masturbation might relieve Restless Leg Syndrome symptoms. Researchers estimate that 10 percent of people suffer from RLS, a neurological disorder categorized by a constant urge to move the limbs, often causing leg pain, cramps, tingling, and itching. But there might be help in sight—a letterpublished in the medical journal Sleep Medicine reported on a patient who used sex and masturbation to relieve symptoms of RLS.
6. Masturbation boosts your immunity. Ejaculation releases the hormone cortisol. It’s a stress hormone, but in small doses, it can help strengthen and maintain your immune system.
7. Masturbation makes sex better. Practice makes perfect, as the saying goes. “Sex therapists strongly recommend that women who have not had an orgasm begin by pleasuring themselves,” according to registered sex therapist Judith Golden. “This puts them in touch with the genital pleasure that they like.”.....Controversial issues like this is left for your conscience to help decide.... The choice is yours.

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